2009年1月21日 星期三

Intelligent Lightweight Construction 智慧型輕量化結構

Intelligent Lightweight Construction 智慧型輕量化結構

智慧型輕量化結構讓全新BMW大7系列的車體擁有最佳化的配重平衡以及全面性的強化, 鋁合金所製成的鈑件因為連接在一起而使得車身的整體重量減少了22公斤,其中的7公斤 是來自於換掉了鐵製車頂,結果讓車體的重心下移,因此使得操控時更為靈敏。

Less is more.
Intelligent lightweight construction
in the BMW 7 Series Sedan.
The body of the BMW 7 Series offers an exceptionally good balance of optimised weight and all-round solidity. The consistent use of aluminium parts has reduced the overall weight of the car by another 22 kilos, 7 of which are due to the replacement of the steel roof. The resulting change in the centre of gravity makes a significant contribution to the car's agility. This is BMW EfficientDynamics: reduced fuel consumption, increased driving pleasure.
